Submarine canyons and gullies

Amblas, David; Ceramicola, Silvia; Gerber, Thomas P.; Canals, Miquel; Chiocci, Francesco L.; Dowdeswell, Julian A.; Harris, Peter T.; Huvenne, Veerle A.I.; Lai, Steven Y.J.; Lastras, Galderic; Lo Iacono, Claudio; Micallef, Aaron; Mountjoy, Joshu J.; Paull, Charles K.; Puig, Pere; Sanchez-Vidal, Anna.


Submarine canyons and gullies.

In: Micallef, A.; Krastel, S.; Savini, A., (eds.)
Submarine Geomorphology.

Cham, Switzerland, Springer, 251-272.

(Springer Geology).

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Book section