Environmental Risks to Infrastructure: Identifying and filling the gaps

Infrastructure networks underpin our daily lives, providing critical global communication and supply links, enabling us to travel from place to place, and supporting our demand for energy supplies. Unfortunately, many examples exist of infrastructure-related industries having to rapidly respond to a previously unanticipated, poorly understood, or unknown hazard. This NERC-funded knowledge project aims to better understand a wide range of environmental risks that can negatively affect strategically important and valuable infrastructure, in particular to understand:

  1. Are there environmental risks that have been missed or overlooked by infrastructure industries?
  2. How can we better predict low probability events or combinations of hazards that may aggravate impacts?
  3. Are there new or emerging technologies that can improve the assessment of risk?

Website: https://projects.noc.ac.uk/risk2infrastructure
Principal Investigator: Dr Mike Clare
Email: m.clare@noc.ac.uk

Project Dates: 
June 2016 to June 2019

NERC - Innovation Funding.

NERC - Fellowship

