Southward, A.J.; Langmead, O.; Hardman-Mountford, N.J.; Aiken, J.; Boalch, G.T.; Dando, P.R.; Genner, J.; Joint, I.; Kendall, M.A.; Halliday, N.C.; Harris, R.P.; Leaper, R.; Mieszkowska, N.; Pingree, R.D.; Richardson, A.J.; Sims, D.W.; Smith, T.; Walne, A.W.; Hawkins, S.J..
A review of long-term research in the western English Channel.
In: Southward, A.J.; Tyler, P.A.; Young, C.M.; Fuiman, L.A., (eds.)
Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 47.
San Diego CA, USA, Elsevier Academic Press, 3-84, 328pp.
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