Knudsen, Per; Andersen, Ole B.; Forsberg, René; Föh, Henning P.; Olesen, Arne V.; Vest, Anne L.; Solheim, Dag; Omang, Ove D.; Hipkin, Roger; Hunegnaw, Addisu; Haines, Keith; Bingham, Rory; Drecourt, Jean-Philippe; Johannessen, Johnny A.; Drange, Helge; Seigismond, Frank; Hernandez, Fabrice; Larnicol, Gilles; Rio, Marie-Helene; Scaeffer, Philippe.
In: Tregoning, Paul; Rizzos, Chris, (eds.)
Dynamic Planet: monitoring and understanding a dynamic planet with geodetic and oceanographic tools: conference of the International Association of Geodesy, IAG symposium, Cairns, Australia, 22-26 August 2005.
Cairns, Australia, Springer, 3-10.
(International Association of Geodesy symposia, 130).
Publication year:
NOC authors:
Book section