Mills, D.K.; Laane, R.; Rees, J.M.; Malcolm, S.; Baretta-Bekker, J.G.; van Ruiten, K.; Colijn, F.; Petersen, W.; Schroeder, F.; Wehde, H.; Svendsen, E.; Hackett, B.; Ridderinkhof, H.; Edwards, M.; Gohin, F.; Forster, R.; Keeble, K.; Hydes, D.J..
In: Dahlin, H.; Bell, M.J.; Flemming, N.C.; Petersson, S.E., (eds.)
Coastal to Global Operational Oceanography: Achievements and Challenges. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on EuroGOOS.
Norrköping, EuroGOOS Office SMHI/Bundesamt fur Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH), 422-428.
(EuroGOOS Publication 28).
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