Predicting the impacts and socio-economic consequences of climate change on global marine ecosystems and fisheries

Barange, Manuel; Allen, Icarus; Allison, Eddie; Badjeck, Marie-Caroline; Blanchard, Julia; Drakeford, Benjamin; Dulvy, Nicholas K; Harle, James; Holmes, Robert; Holt, Jason; Jennings, Simon; Lowe, Jason; Merino, Gorka; Mullon, Christia; Piling, Graham; Rodwell, Lynda; Tompkins, Emma; Werner, Francisco.


Predicting the impacts and socio-economic consequences of climate change on global marine ecosystems and fisheries.

In: Ommer, Rosemary; Perry, Ian; Cochrane, Kevern L.; Cury, Philippe, (eds.)
World Fisheries: a Socio-Ecological Analysis, Fish and Aquatic Resources.

Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell.

(Fish and Aquatic Resources 14).

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