Gulev, S.; Josey, S.A.; Bourassa, M.; Breivik, L-A.; Cronin, M.F.; Fairall, C.; Gille, S.; Kent, E.C.; Lee, C.M.; McPhaden, M.J.; Monteiro, P.M.S.; Schuster, U.; Smith, S.R.; Trenberth, K.E.; Wallace, D.; Woodruff, S.D..
Surface energy, CO2 fluxes and sea ice.
In: Hall, J.; Harrison, D.E.; Stammer, D., (eds.)
Proceedings of OceanObs'09: Sustained Ocean Observations and Information for Society, Vol. 1.
Noordwijk, The Netherlands, European Space Agency, 193-211.
(ESA Special Publication, WPP-306).
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Book section