Robson, Jon; Aksenov, Yevgeny ORCID:; Bracegirdle, Thomas J. ORCID:; Dimdore-Miles, Oscar; Griffiths, Paul T.; Grosvenor, Daniel P.; Hodson, Daniel L.R.; Keeble, James; Megann, Alex ORCID:; Osprey, Scott; Povey, Adam C.; Schröder, David; Yang, Mingxi; Archibald, Alexander T.; Carslaw, Ken S.; Gray, Lesley; Jones, Colin; Kerridge, Brian; Knappett, Diane; Kuhlbrodt, Till; Russo, Maria; Sellar, Alistair; Siddans, Richard; Sinha, Bablu; Sutton, Rowan; Walton, Jeremy; Wilcox, Laura J..
The evaluation of the North Atlantic climate system in UKESM1 historical simulations for CMIP6.
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 12 (9), e2020MS002126.