marine resources

Searching for the elements needed for low-carbon technology on the sea-floor

RRS James Cook

Today the Royal Research ship (RRS) James Cook will embark on an expedition to discover new sources of the rare metals, critical for low carbon technologies.

International scientific challenges to be addressed in Winchester

Deep, cold water coral image taken by NOC’s ROV

One hundred and sixty scientists will descend on Winchester this week as part of a globally significant meeting to address the challenges in submarine habitat mapping.

Bioluminescence as a method of assessing fish stocks

Bioluminescence as a method of assessing fish stocks

Research by the National Oceanography Centre (NOC) explores a promising new method of forecasting bioluminescence, which may improve the monitoring of movements in the ocean, such as fish shoals and internal waves.

Security of Supply of Minerals Workshop

One of Soil Machine Dynamics’ (SMD) remotely operated seafloor mining vehicles

Growth in the developing economies has resulted in an increase in the global demand for minerals and energy. At the same time the actions required to mitigate and adapt to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere demand significant changes in energy generation, distribution and utilisation.

Re-evaluating the energy gains from tidal power

La Rance tidal barrage in France

Renewable energy can be generated by harnessing the power from the tides, which can be predicted hundreds of years in advance. But the predicted energy gains from certain schemes have been overestimated, according to a team of researchers in Liverpool.

Important estuarine habitats studied

The Dee Estuary

A recent survey in the River Dee estuary of bedforms – the patterns of ripples and hollows that moving water creates on the seabed – has provided a comprehensive and valuable set of data for scientists at the National Oceanography Centre and several UK universities.

Marine research can solve some of Europe’s greatest challenges

New position paper, Navigating the Future IV

The National Oceanography Centre has welcomed a new position paper from the European Marine Board highlighting how innovative marine research can solve some of Europe’s greatest policy challenges.

First seabed sonar to measure marine energy effect on environment and wildlife

Fall of Warness, EMEC tidal test site (courtesy of Aquatera)

UK scientists will measure the effect on the marine environment and wildlife of devices that harness tide and wave energy using sonar technology that has, for the first time, been successfully deployed on the seabed.
