Marine Physics and Ocean Circulation (MPOC)

Science meets art to bring sea-level rise to the country’s highest residents

Colne Rising guided walk

The National Oceanography Centre has lent its expertise to the creation of a fictitious story where rising sea levels due to climate change, and the equinox brings a massive flood to one of the highest areas of the country.

NOC researcher awarded

Dr Elizabeth Kent being presented with the Adrian Gill Prize by Professor Joanna Haigh, President of the RMS

The Royal Meteorological Society (RMS) has presented Dr Elizabeth Kent with the prestigious Adrian Gill Prize at its Annual General Meeting in London this month.

Trailblazing research project reaches ten-year milestone

Deploying a new replacement mooring – scientists will extract the data when it is recovered later (courtesy of Ben Moat)

The National Oceanography Centre’s remarkable RAPID project has reached a landmark ten years of continuous scientific measurement and knowledge advancement of a key component of the climate system.

NOC scientists making waves in Barcelona

The wave flume: setting up the acoustic systems

Professor Peter Thorne and Dr Richard Cooke of the National Oceanography Centre in Liverpool travelled to Barcelona recently to take part in an international study on boundary layer sediment dynamics.
