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A Picture on the Wall: Innovative Mapping Reveals Cold-Water Coral Refuge in Submarine Canyon

NOC authors: Veerle Huvenne, pat8, dgma, ch10, vhh, Tim Le Bas
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

RRS Discovery Cruise D359, 17 Dec 2010-14 Jan 2011. RAPID moorings cruise report

NOC authors: scu
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Monograph

RV Knorr Cruise KN200-4, 13 Apr-03 May 2011. RAPID Mooring Cruise

NOC authors: Eleanor Frajka-Williams
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Monograph

Biometry of detached Emiliania huxleyi coccoliths along the Patagonian Shelf

NOC authors: Alex Poulton
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Decay of eddies at the South-West Indian Ridge

NOC authors: bac, Andrew Coward
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

The oceanography classroom: How Often Do You Plagiarize in Class?

NOC authors: srb2
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Seismic triggering of landslides and turbidity currents offshore Portugal

NOC authors: dgma, Russell Wynn, James Hunt, ppew
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Quantifying export production in the Southern Ocean: Implications for the Baxsproxy

NOC authors: ram1, hfp
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Global and regional importance of the tropical peatland carbon pool

NOC authors: Chris Banks
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

A Miniature, High Precision Conductivity and Temperature Sensor System for Ocean Monitoring

NOC authors: Robin Pascal, Chris Banks, Matthew Mowlem
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Similarity in microbial amino acid uptake in surface waters of the North and South Atlantic (sub-)tropical gyres

NOC authors: pgh102, dap1, Mikhail Zubkov
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Near-ubiquity of ice-edge blooms in the Arctic

NOC authors: Andrew Yool, gdq, Ekaterina Popova
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

AUVs for Depth and Distance: Autosub6000 and Autosub Long Range

NOC authors: gxg, Steve McPhail
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Environmental Forcing of Nitrogen Fixation in the Eastern Tropical and Sub-Tropical North Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Matthew Patey, pgh102, mnie, eric
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Linked halokinesis and mud volcanism at the Mercator mud volcano, Gulf of Cadiz

NOC authors: cbe
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Determining Vertical Water Velocities from Seaglider

NOC authors: Eleanor Frajka-Williams
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

South Atlantic overturning circulation at 24°S

NOC authors: hlb, Brian King
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Recovery of As-Yet-Uncultured Soil Acidobacteria on Dilute Solid Media

NOC authors: mart1
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Contribution of mesoscale processes to nutrient budgets in the Arabian Sea

NOC authors: Gurvan Madec
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Arctic methane sources: Isotopic evidence for atmospheric inputs

NOC authors: rame1
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Variability of Antarctic Bottom Water at 24.5°N in the Atlantic

NOC authors: Eleanor Frajka-Williams, scu, hlb, Brian King
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Tides and long-term modulations in the Caribbean Sea

NOC authors: rrtp1g09, mnt
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Properties of the Atlantic derived halocline waters over the Laptev Sea continental margin: Evidence from 2002 to 2009

NOC authors: Sinhue Torres-Valdes
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Re-emerging ocean temperature anomalies in late-2010 associated with a repeat negative NAO

NOC authors: rma, ncw, Joel Hirschi
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Sea-level probability for the last deglaciation: A statistical analysis of far-field records

NOC authors: jstan, ejr, Peter Challenor, mame1u09
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Sea Level Rise and Changes in Arctic Sea-ice

NOC authors: Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

Long-term physical variability in the North Atlantic Ocean

NOC authors: Penny Holliday
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

North Atlantic circulation and atmospheric forcing

NOC authors: Penny Holliday, David Berry
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Book section

The Arctic Circumpolar Boundary Current

NOC authors: Yevgeny Aksenov, George Nurser, Sheldon Bacon, Andrew Coward, acng
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Conferences – time for a new approach?

NOC authors: gxg
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Biodiversity of macrofaunal assemblages from three Portuguese submarine canyons (NE Atlantic)

NOC authors: amaro, David Billett
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article

Sedimentary processes in the middle Nazaré Canyon

NOC authors: dgma, Veerle Huvenne, Tim Le Bas
Publication Year: 2011
Publication type: Article